How can exercise help with Diabetes?

A proper diet and regular exercise routine is the foundation to a healthy lifestyle. Exercise is an important component in the management of Type 2 Diabetes. According to Diabetes Canada, when engaging in physical activity, active muscles use sugar as a source of energy. Regular physical activity helps to prevent sugar from building up in your blood. Exercise can improve your body’s sensitivity to insulin and help manage your blood sugar levels (Diabetes Canada). The goal is to aim for 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous aerobic exercise each week, with the addition of resistance training and interval exercise.

Regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do to manage and live well with diabetes
Diabetes Canada

How does exercise help?

  • Increases insulin sensitivity (both short and long term)

  • Lowers blood sugar levels

  • Reduces body fat

  • Helps manage weight

  • Improves cardiovascular function

  • Improves energy levels

How can you get started?

Starting to exercise can be a challenge without the proper support and knowledge. Gyms or large group classes can be intimidating and overwhelming environments. Here at Westcoast SCI Physiotherapy in Port Coquitlam, we provide a supportive, 1-on-1 environment where each session is customized to your goals and ability. Our goal is to help educate you on how to exercise and use regular exercise to help manage your diabetes. Physiotherapists and Kinesiologists are equipped with the knowledge to help people with medical conditions exercise safely.

Our team will:

  • Teach you how to exercise in a private, studio environment

  • Progress your programs using evidence-based practice

  • Keep you accountable to stick to your program

  • Improve your aerobic fitness, strength and mobility

  • Help you be motivated to exercise

Come into our clinic for a free 30-minute consultation, and learn more about how exercise can become a part of your lifestyle to manage diabetes.

1-on-1 Guided Exercise to Manage:

  • Cardiovascular disease

  • High blood pressure

  • Diabetes

  • Obesity

  • Osteoporosis

  • Osteopenia

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Age-related falls

Exercise is proven to be an effective method to help with the management of many age, or lifestyle-related conditions. Beginning to exercise for the first time, learning to exercise safely or having the knowledge to manage an illness with exercise can be intimidating. At Westcoast SCI Physiotherapy, our goal is to introduce people to exercise in a supportive environment and help teach individuals with the conditions listed above how to use exercise to manage symptoms and improve overall health.

Interested but don’t want to commit?

Free 30 Minute Consultation with a Kinesiologist

During your free 30-minute consult, our kinesiology team will meet with you, and provide you with educational resources on why and what type of exercise is important in the management of your condition. The goal is to help you learn how exercise can be beneficial, and the steps to get you started.

Discounts are available for those who qualify for Medical Services Plan (MSP) Supplementary Benefits

MSP Supplementary Benefits is financial assistance for families who have filed their taxes and have an adjusted net income of $42,000 or less. Contact us for more information.

For more information on MSP Supplementary Benefits, click here.

How Exercise can Impact your Health



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