Top 3 Ways to Manage Stress

by Jul 2, 2020Health and Wellness, Top Tips

How can I manage stress?

Stress is something that we all deal with. A good amount of stress (or eustress) is healthy. However, there are many things that can shift that healthy amount of stress into distress. There are a lot of ways we can try to monitor our stress, here are our top 3 ways to manage stress.

#1: Sleep Schedule

  • If there is one thing we always want to look at when investigating an aspect of health, it is sleep

  • Lack of sleep can increase stress and stress can impact ability on your sleep. It can be a very negative cycle to go down

  • Try and get into a consistent sleep schedule

  • Focus on getting good quality sleep

Sleep Schedule

#2: Gut Health

  • Gut health assists our bodies with many important things including digestion, our immune system, helping with some skin irritations

  • People with conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, Crohn’s, Colitis and other gut health conditions are often told that stress is to blame for exacerbating their symptoms. But it can actually work the opposite as well

  • Consulting a health professional to help you optimize your gut health can actually work to help with stress and anxiety

Gut Health

#3: Meditation & Exercise

  • Meditation and/or mindfulness is about taking some time in the day to try to be present. This means setting aside worries about the future and feeling guilty or stressed about the past

  • Exercise is not only helpful for body health. Exercise stimulates the release of endorphins. Several studies have shown it helps reduce symptoms of anxiety, stress and depression. This could mean running or walking outside, weight training at the gym, or something more restful like qigong

  • Meditation/Mindfulness and exercise have been shown to reduce stress moderately. We often see the best results when paired with direction from a mental health specialist

Meditation & Exercise

Remember, this is just general information.
If you have specific medical conditions, are experiencing pain, or you’re just not sure where to start when it comes to exercise, please remember we’re here for you.

Banner/Thumbnail Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

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