3 Exercises for Patellar Tendinopathy (What is Patellar Tendinopathy?) Markup

3 Exercises for Patellar Tendinopathy (What is Patellar Tendinopathy?)

by Sep 11, 2020Anj's Road to Recovery

How do you treat patellar tendinopathy?

Hey guys!

I am back to discuss my second physiotherapy session with Tom. In this session we began more of an active approach to healing. I learned more about what my injury is and exercises I can use to heal! Tom informed me that my left knee has patellar tendinopathy, and both of my knees possess medial meniscus irritation.

Upon researching patellar tendinopathy, I learned that it is usually located on the anterior (front) side of the knee. It is commonly an overuse injury, and is common in individuals who jump often, or have tight leg muscles. These coincide with my life as I would constantly exercise or play soccer without leaving time to heal when I obtained these knee injuries. I was also someone who would rarely stretch, leaving my muscles tight everyday. However, although these are common indicators of an individual with patellar tendinopathy, I will note that each case is different and dependent on the individual.

A good approach to healing this type of injury is focusing on eccentric exercises. Eccentric exercises are those that lengthen the muscle at the same time it is being contracted. That being said, I will show you all some exercises that Tom gave me to do almost every day of the week!

15-25° Decline Squat

15-25° Decline Squat

Sets: 2-3 Reps: 10-12 Frequency: 4-6x/week

Key indicators:

  • In this exercise you will stand on one foot on a declined step set at about 15-25°

  • Next, flex your knee to do a squat

  • Aim to get your knee over the foot on the descent

  • For balance support: non weight bearing leg can be placed behind. 

Short Lever Adductor Bridge

Short Lever Adductor Bridge

Sets: 2-3 Reps: 10-12 Frequency: 4-6x/week

Key indicators:

  • Lying on your side, put your top ankle and shin on a chair with your top knee bent and your bottom knee extended (the elbow of the bottom shoulder should be on the floor).

  • Let your hips sag down to the ground. Then, using the top leg adductors (inside of the thigh), pull yourself up to form a straight line with your body.

  • Make sure your bottom leg hangs down without touching the floor.

  • Slowly lower yourself down and repeat.

Plantar Flexion

Plantar Flexion, 1 foot- 2 exercises

Sets: 2 Reps: 8-12 Frequency: 3-4x/ week

Key indicators: 

  • Stand on your injured foot on the floor or a small step next to a chair or table.

  • Raise yourself onto your toes of your injured foot while bending your knee.

  • Slowly drop back down and stretch your calf by lowering your heel as far down as possible and hold the position between each lift and repeat.

*1 set with bent knee*

*1 set with straight knee*

That’s all for now!!

– Anj

Anj’s Road to Recovery

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